Eldorado's Mascot!
3rd Grade Market Day
3rd graders look forward to Market Day every year, it's a wonderful experience in creating a product, marketing it, selling it and enjoying the process. They have been SO EXCITED all day as they wrapped up this unit!!
Eldorado's 2022/2023 Apple Award Representatives
Whitney Hamlin and Leah Allred were Eldorado's 2022/2023 Apple Award winners! Whitney has taught 4th and 5th grade at Eldorado and is stepping into the exciting role of Assistant Principal this next year. Leah is one of our amazing Educational Assistants, supporting all kids and teachers throughout the building. We are so lucky to have her!
Mrs. Hamlin
Mrs. Allred
Valentine's Day Parties!
ThunderRidge's Grizzly Gives T-Shirt Sale
Grizzly Gives raises money in support of Caruso Family Charities, and this year, the money will help the Thompson Family. Pre-order your Grizzly Gives t-shirt today! Long sleeve shirts are $15, and short sleeve shirts are $10. Sign on to MySchoolBucks to order your shirt and support the Thompson family.
Grizzly Gives Week 2021
In partnership with ThunderRidge High School, Eldorado is excited to participate in this year's Grizzly Gives Week. Please click here for more information. Monday, March 1st, 8:30am to Friday, March 5th, 3:30pm.
Eldorado App Changes
Our Eldorado mobile app is being updated. You will start to see changes in the next month as we do some major updates.
Apple Users: You will need to delete your old app and update to the new one (it might look the same once you've downloaded the new app for a couple of weeks until we process the changes). We are going to a private app which means you will need to follow these instructions to allow your app to continue working: http://tiny.cc/eesapple
Android Users: No changes needed on your part, your app will be updated soon!
Questions: [email protected]
5th grader Wins Competition to be in J.K. Rowling's Book, The Ikabog
One of our wonderful 5th graders entered a contest this summer to have her artwork displayed in J.K. Rowling's book, The Ickabog. She was one of over 42,000 applicants! HER ARTWORK WAS 1 OF 34 CHOSEN TO BE IN THE BOOK!!!!! Amazing! She received a signed copy of the book from J.K. Rowling as well as $650 worth of books to go to any library of her choice. She chose Eldorado's library. Thank you so much and such a big CONGRATULATIONS!
4th Grade Families Adopt-a-Family
Thank you 4th grade families for your kindness and generosity towards our Adopt-a-Family. Mountain Family Center will deliver the gifts to our family next week. Thank you Mrs. Holmberg for all your help, thank you to all our 4th grade elves for boxing and loading the gifts, thank you Mr. Schrader who helped drive the gifts to Granby! We have the BEST kids and families! Happy Holidays! ~Ms. Sandy and the 4th grade team
Goldy's 2020 Adventures!
See this page for Goldy's 2020 adventures.
Kindergarten 2022-2023
Turkey Drive Information
Click here for information regarding
Eldorado's 2020 Turkey Drive.
Halloween @ EE
We want to share with you what we did for
our Halloween parties!
Halloween Read Aloud with Mrs. Crawford!
Thursday - October 29th at 7PM.
Book Fair is Open!
Use the code: M17G4
Open October 1st - 31st. 40% of your purchase comes back to Eldorado!
Talent Show
Eldorado's 2020 Virtual Talent Show!
Eldorado Virtual Talent Show
Missing our EE Panthers
We made a video for you panthers!
Message from Eldorado Teachers/Staff
We miss our panthers, enjoy our Thursday message!
Lip Syncing Eldorado Teachers and Staff
Enjoy our Friday lip sync video!
Proud Panther Visits
When our principal/vice-principal couldn't give out the Proud Panther awards at school, they went to the homes of the winners for the month of March 2020.
Virtual Welcome Back to School
Message from Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Hawk.
Eldorado Teacher Parade
Eldorado teachers and staff drove around to show the students how much we love and miss them!
Remote (Virtual) Learning
4/10/2020 Update:
In an effort to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Douglas County School District has moved to remote learning for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. All DCSD facilities are closed and in-person learning is cancelled for the remainder of the school year. This includes cancellation of Before and After Care (BASE), preschool, outdoor education, and any DCSD-sponsored field trips and camps, as well as facility rentals.
Eldorado has developed a Remote Learning page on our website to help families transition.
Grizzly Gives
This year, ThunderRidge High School will be organizing "Grizzly Gives" March 2nd-6th, 2020. Eldorado will be teaming up with ThunderRidge High School to help support 3 families through the Caruso Family Charities. https://www.smore.com/jragp
Kindness Week - February 10th - 13th
Our target population this year is the older adults in our community and we are excited to kick the week off. This link will tell you everything you need to know. Feel free to ask administration or PTO any questions you may have! Here is a video that was shared with our students.
Spelling Bee
Contestants participated in the annual Eldorado Spelling Bee! Great job students!
Giant Map of Colorado
Students were given the chance to explore a giant map of Colorado with our librarian, Mrs. Smyth.