To report an absence, call (303) 387-6327.
How do I know when to keep my child home from school? See below for important information.
Attendance Policy
Guidelines for Determining Student Attendance
A student should be sent home if they exhibit any of the following:
Undiagnosed skin eruptions / rashes
Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea
Severe abdominal pain
Fever of 100 degrees or higher
Other conditions that are indicators of illness and are considered when determining illness:
Decreased activity - droopy, tired appearance
Irritable behavior
Sore throat / swollen glands
Runny nose / cough
Eye drainage (excessive drainage and significant discomfort)
When can a child return to school?
After 24 hours of medication for the following conditions:
The student has been free of the following conditions for at least 24 hours:
The student has been free of the following conditions for at least 48 hours:
Source: Health Guidelines Manual
Revised 02/2018