DCSD offers a variety of programming options to meet the full spectrum of needs of our gifted learners. In alignment with the The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) guiding principles and programming standards, a continuum of programming services exist for gifted learners in DCSD. Each school is served by a gifted education facilitator who collaborates/ consults with classroom teachers. Gifted Education Comprehensive Program Plan (Douglas Re 1, Castle Rock 7) and other support staff appropriately plan instruction and learning opportunities to meet the needs of gifted/ high potential learners.
Gifted Programming is designed to meet the academic, social/ emotional, and behavioral needs of students identified with advanced learning needs. Teachers and support staff differentiate learning opportunities to meet these needs. Each school site provides for gifted learners through the implementation of some or all of the following strategies:
Here at Eldorado we will help meet the needs of our GT students through many of the strategies listed above. Universal strategies used throughout our school include:
Flexing students up a grade level in math (students must meet specific requirements to flex)
Cluster grouping (clustering our GT students into one homeroom classroom with a teacher experienced in working with GT students)
Social/Emotional support groups (discuss topics specific to the GT population)
Curriculum support (M2 and M3 math units, William and Mary Lang. Arts units, Junior Great Books)